The first annual 7th Grade Carnival is on Friday, May 31, 2024. Doors open at 6:30pm and the event ends promptly at 8:00pm.  The Carnival is open to 7th Grade Tyee students only.   There will be inflatables, games, snacks, and FUN! Students should wear comfortable athletic-type clothing.  Free snacks and drinks will be provided.  Do not bring backpacks or money (there is nothing for sale). 

The Carnival is FREE (thanks PTSA!) but pre-registration is REQUIRED.  Registration and Parent Permission form must be completed online by Thursday, May 30, 2023.
Adherence to BSD Student Code of Conduct is required for all Student Social Events. 

PTSA membership is not required to participate or volunteer for the Carnival but highly encouraged to support the Tyee PTSA community. Join/Renew Your PTSA Membership

We need parent volunteers to help make this FUN event happen.  If we do not have enough chaperones the event will be canceled.  Please sign up here

Contact Darcie Durr at with any questions.